by Marie Stein | 24 Dec, 2024 | Management services
Hi there, just wanted to wish you all a very happy Christmas, whether you’re with familiy, friends or on your own. I’m on my own this year due to ill heath, but I do enjoy having full control of the tv remote so I can watch Dr Who, Mrs’ Browns Boys... by Marie Stein | 10 Nov, 2024 | Residential Property
The VAT 1614D certificate was iintroduced over 20 years ago to ensure that residitntial propety developers weren’s weren’t stuck with the VATon the purchase costs. The rules are compicated but the use of the certificate is straightforward and should be... by Marie Stein | 9 Sep, 2024 | Commercial property, Residential Property
VAT and property development is a very difficult subject, covering everything from the VAT liability of contractors’ services to applying the complicated rules about caculating how much VAT the developer can claim from HMRC. And even once you think you... by Marie Stein | 8 Sep, 2024 | Management services
Hi there, just a quick update for anyone who has recently tried to contact me. I had a rather nasty accident back in July and it’s taken me a while to get back to normal. I am hoping to respond to any outstanding queries within the next few days. My apologies... by Marie Stein | 14 Aug, 2023 | Commercial property, Management services
Option to tax notifications Revenue and Customs Brief 01/23 confirms that HMRC will now only issue an acknowledgement online to nofifications that are submitted online, Nofifications that are submitted any other way – such as postal delivery – will no... by Marie Stein | 11 Apr, 2023 | Management services
VAT and serviced accommodation The subject of this post is whether serviced accommodation and AirBnB fall within the Tour Operators Margin Scheme. This can significantly affect how much VAT the SA provider has to pay HMRC. The difference can be significant. I first... by Marie Stein | 22 Dec, 2022 | Management services
The past few years have been chaotic. From Brexit to COVID, the Tory party’s leadership pantomime and the very difficult economic situation where many people can’t afford to heat their homes and are struggling to pay for food and other necessities, the... by Marie Stein | 30 Mar, 2022 | Management services, supply
This is the second of 3 posts discussing VAT on transactions between assocated businesses. In this post, I’ll be taling about terminology and how otherwise everyday words or phrases can have quite different meanings for VAT. Remember the basic principle –... by Marie Stein | 8 Aug, 2021 | Management services, supply
One of the most common problem areas in VAT is dealing with VAT on transactions with associated businesses. This includes sharing out the office rent or raising a management charge for directors’ services. This is the first of 3 posts that I’m planning on... by Marie Stein | 15 Apr, 2021 | Management services
I cannot believe that it’s already April. If, like me, you have have been affected by COVID either medically, professionally or for any other reason, then chances are you’re struggling a bit even if you’re past the worst. God Bless to anyone who is...